Author Archives: admin


Make Sure Your Driver Training School is Ministry of Transportation Approved

Many new drivers, hunting for the best price, have been lured by lower prices at non MTO approved driving schools. These drivers end up losing in more ways than one: They may not get the quality of instruction that they need Theymayl not get any discount on their car insurance Both of these are very […]


Distracted Driving - The Most Deadly Killer In Ontario

Distracted driving is a silent killer on Ontario’s roads, and it is becoming increasingly more common. During our driver training sessions, I continually stress the importance of ignoring phones, and keeping music turned low. It is also imperative not to wear headphones while driving. Even experienced drivers are distracted by passengers, and by talking on […]


Why Learning to Be A Safe Driver Is Important

When looking at the statistics in the Canadian Motor Vehicle Collision Statistics Report (2012), the following facts can be noted: Since 1993, fatal injuries are down 42% — likely the result of increased seat belt use and the presence of Air Bags in most vehicles. Since 2008, driver fatalities have improved almost 5%. Since 2008, […]


Driving With Streetcars

Most driving jurisdictions in North America do not have streetcars, so there are many drivers who are unaware of the basic rules of the road when they first confront these dinosaurs of modern transportation. Streetcars are inherently unsafe for their passengers. In almost every place where I have seen streetcars used, they are funneled down […]